Sunday, December 30, 2018

Holy Carp I'm blogging!

Hi friends. It has literally been years since I last posted anything here. A lot has happened in that time, and I'm going to start doing this regularly as I find it helps calm my brain weasels.

First things first, I got married this year! It was an amazing, perfect day full of all of the love. I am also incredibly lucky to have an amazing, wonderful, supportive husband. He's pretty great, I think I'll keep him. :)

I stated baking bread fairly regularly and absolutely love it. I even have a sourdough starter.

I started Knitting again. I like it. It's usually pretty portable too so it gives me something to do during D&D with my hands other than stacking my dice.

I started doing Yoga. I need to make a habit again.

I have been getting more Hippie-ish lately. I want to reduce my impact on the planet, and my immediate environment.

In that Same vein, I think I'm going to challenge myself to only buy things that are absolutely necessary in January. Who knows, maybe it will stick.